Cooperstown Fire Department

Protecting the "Home of Baseball" for over 200 years, the Cooperstown Fire Department continues its proud tradition of service in and around Cooperstown, NY.

With an average of about 75 volunteers, our Fire/Rescue, EMS and Fire Police teams serve to protect and assist the citizens of and visitors to Cooperstown and the surrounding areas of Otsego County. 

Remembering our history, and with your support, we carry on our tradition of emergency response and community service. 

2025 UPCOMING Events 

Our annual Equipment Fund Drive is ending!  Thank you for your considerable support, and remember we gladly accept Equipment, Fireworks and General donations all year!!

The annual Equipment Fund Drive is held during the winter via a mailing to all district residents.  Donations received go directly to the Equipment Account, and use is restricted to the purchase, maintenance, and enhancement of equipment essential to vehicle and department operations.  While the Equipment Fund Drive is scheduled from December through March, and the Fireworks Fund Drive is May through July, donations to either are accepted and appreciated all year around.  To donate, simply write 'Equipment Fund' or "Fireworks Fund" on the check memo field or mailing envelope.  No stated preference donations go to the department General Operations account.

Cooperstown Volunteer Fire Department is IRS recognized as a 501(c)(3) "Not-for-Profit" charitable organization.

  Donations to CFD may be deductible for tax purposes.  Check with your tax return preparer for eligibility.

Thanks for visiting the station during Winter Carnival, Saturday, February 1st!

Cooperstown Winter Carnival "Local Heroes" and community safety event a success!

If you visited us at the Cooperstown Fire Station on Saturday, Feb. 1st , with or without your kids, you had an opportunity to meet with your local police, fire and EMS for a fun, interesting, and educational visit focused on safety!   State, county and village law enforcement were present with a variety of demonstrations and exhibits, including police robots, a crash simulator, and K-9 activities.  Cooperstown volunteer fire and EMS provided displays and activities on safety, CPR, extinguishing fires, the role of Fire Police, as well as displays of vehicles and equipment.  Guests toured the station and saw the trucks and equipment we use while children earned toys and treats by completing a scavenger hunt.  Join us again next year during the Winter Carnival for our community safety event!!

A special thanks to CFD EMS members for taking the lead in organizing and running this year's event, and to all department members who gave of their time and effort to make it a success!

How to Contact Us


There are a number of email addresses we use to coordinate activities and distribute tasks across the department:

If you have a particular request for a specific board member, or regarding the various community services we provide, please see Contact Us.

In Person

You can mail letters and packages to our P.O. Box at:

Cooperstown Fire Dept.

P.O. Box 1

Cooperstown, NY 13326

or visit us in person (when open) at:

24 Chestnut Street

Cooperstown, NY 13326

Regular Meetings and Calendar

The department hosts a number of public and private meetings throughout the year.  See our Department Calendar

Department Meetings

The department drills twice a month on the second and fourth Wednesday at 6:30pm.  The monthly officer and member business meeting is held after the drill on the fourth Wednesday, usually starting at 8:30pm.

The Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Squad also meets at the station on the first Monday of the month at 7pm

Public Events

The department hosts or participates in public special events such as memorial and celebration parades, school and public fire and medical safety, and EMS education activities throughout the year. Watch for the department sponsored annual Fourth of July fireworks display, and the annual EMS sponsored Winter Food Drive.

The Cooperstown Fire Department is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) Not-for-Profit charitable organization.  It is funded in part by the Village of Cooperstown and from local and state insurance and fire tax revenues, and emergency service agreements established with neighboring towns.  Those tax funds, generous and reliable as they are, make up only about one-third of the department's annual income, and some of those funds come restricted by state guidelines and limitations on use.

Donations from local businesses and the general public make up the bulk of the remaining department operating, equipment and special event funds, which are used for or to supplement purchases of equipment, supplies and training, and for department and community events and education programs.  

To see "How to Donate", or to make a contribution of funds, goods or a service, or to learn more about existing funds and drives, please visit our "Donate" page.

How to Donate

IMPORTANT: While we are one department, Fire & Rescue and EMS serve different functions and are required to maintain separate bank accounts.

For FIRE DEPARTMENT donations, make a check payable and send to:

Cooperstown Fire Department

PO Box 1

Cooperstown, NY  13326

For EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE (EMS) donations, make a check payable and send to:

Cooperstown EMS

PO Box 322

Cooperstown, NY  13326

Donating to department Fire and Rescue via PayPal is now available at our "Donate" tab!

This feature for EMS should be available in the near future (but IS NOT yet).

Community Services 

The Village Clerk

If you'd like to reserve the Fire Hall for a private event, or if you'd like to submit a Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) Records Request, please contact the Village Clerk by phone at (607)547-2411, or by sending them a letter specifying your request.

Village Clerk

Village of Cooperstown Offices

22 Main Street

Cooperstown, NY 13326

(607) 547-2411

LED Sign

In addition to hosting public and private events, we perform a number of additional services for the community. 

One of the most visible of these is the digital signage that we maintain outside of the station that displays information of general interest to the community. 

If you'd like to submit a message of community interest for your group or organization, fill out the LED Sign form on this page to begin the process of requesting your message (scroll down to complete the full request).

Please note that messages of a personal or family nature are considered for approval on a case-by-case basis.

Becoming a Member

The Cooperstown Fire Department of Otsego County is part of the over 70% of fire departments in the United States which are run exclusively by volunteers. As such, we are always looking for new members and would be happy to have you join the team! 

You can start the process by emailing  with some of your information and availability. A checklist of steps and additional information on training and requirements is available on the become a member section.